Taking Your Pet to a Pet Expo in India A Complete Guide for Pet Parents

Taking Your Pet to a Pet Expo in India: A Complete Guide for Pet Parents

With the discourse around pets changing from Ownership, to Parenting, more and more pet parents are willing to be a part of a community around their pets. Pet cafés, Dog Parks pet-friendly spaces, and pet expos are quickly becoming a trend, begging the question “How do you prepare yourself and your pet for crowds?”

At the brink of two major events in two major metros: PetEx Hyderabad 2025, PetFed Mumbai 2025, every pet parent that wants to connect with the industry, other pet parents, or just show off their lovable furry family, would be asking themselves what they need to consider when attending a pet exposition. Here’s everything you need to do, if you want to attend a Pet event with your pet: 

  • Strapped up and sorted

The primary concern you as a pet parent may have is your pet’s reaction to space, the crowd, and other pets themselves. The most important tool to keep track of your pet, especially a dog, is a leash. Irrespective of how friendly your dog may be, leashes help you keep track of them in crowds where they can get overwhelmed. Small dogs can be put in strollers, some event organisers provide a stroller during the registration process. In the registration kit, you might also find a marker to let other pet parents know if your dog is OK being pet. These should create a sense of safety for your pet, and give you a sense of control over the situation.If your pet is a cat, they are not usually comfortable in leashes - with some exceptions, of course! Put your cat in a carrier to keep them safe and secure. 

  • Calming goodies

Carry treats or dry kibble for your pets. Just as you would do on any other day, give your cat treats or dry cat food, or dry dog food for good behaviour. This is a great practice that allows you to track their overwhelm, and to communicate that they are doing a good job of regulating their emotions. 

  • Boundaries and Pain Points

Know what your pet is ok with and what overwhelms them. Pet Expos are places where there are a lot of curious pet parents. Make sure that you allow interaction with your pet only if they’re comfortable with it. Most event organisers provide a flag or some form of communication to declare whether or not they can be pet. Pick the flag that is most appropriate to your pet. This goes a long way in regulating the pet’s emotions - the safer they feel, the better their emotions are regulated.  If your pet is competing, make sure they are given enough space throughout the day so that the day’s activities don’t become too overwhelming. 

  • Take care of their Business

An important part of your pet’s schedule is also their pooping schedule. Make sure to carry a few poop bags. Some events have sections allocated for the pets to do their business, the rest might give you a few in the registration kit. However, carrying a few that you and your pet might be accustomed to, leaves you feeling a sense of control.

  • Keep Calm and Carry on

While taking care of your pet would be your priority, remember that your pet is likely to mirror your emotions. Make sure that you take care of your own emotions and regulate them so that your pet does not pick up and replicate any overwhelm that you may be feeling.

  • Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!

Carry a water feeder or a water bottle for your pet. Also, keep a watch out for the hydration stations provided for your pets. Drinking enough water keeps them cooler and comfortable.

  • Break the Routine

Finally, plan to spend a good amount of time at the pet event so that you can take as many breaks as you and your pet require. Give them some time with you, where they don’t need to engage with other pets or their pet parents, if this is possible. This allows your pet some time to calm down, in case he or she needs it. 

Equipped with this information, bring your pets and visit us during PetEx, co-sponsored by Carniwel, if you’re in Hyderabad and at PetFed Mumbai, if you’re a resident of Mumbai. Give your pets the best nutrition, from premium ingredients so that your pet is the healthiest they can be and can celebrate your journey with them!

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