A recent article that details the adoption process for Patriot dogs had the Carniwel team feeling the need to honour these compassionate souls on Indian Army Day. A day meant to commemorate the dedication and loyalty of soldiers to their country seemed like the perfect time to mention dogs that gave their lives for causes that were caused and resolved by humans.

A canine squad is inducted to carry out search operations and attack terrorists. (Photo: National Police K9 Journal)

Patriot dogs are dogs that are trained to aid in various areas of defence, they have participated in counter-insurgency and counter-terrorism operations oftentimes helping the forces detect IEDs. They have saved the lives of their counterparts in some cases - a good example of this was 6-year-old Kent who were martyred during a terrorist encounter in Jammu and Kashmir’s Rajouri. She was leading a column of soldiers during a search operation on September 12 2023 when terrorists fired upon the unit. She died trying to shield her handler exhibiting her bravery and loyalty. 

On July 22 2023, a two-year-old Army dog Axel was killed in the line of duty in Jammu and Kashmir while taking part in a search operation. Axel was given a ceremonial guard of honour by the Army before his burial in the Army Dog Unit he served in.

On October 13, 2022, Army Assault canine, Zoom, laid down his life in the line of duty, after suffering gunshot wounds during an operation fighting gallantly with terrorists, saving the lives of soldiers.

Mansi, a four-year-old Labrador and a member of the Army's tracker dog unit was selected for a posthumous war honour after she and her handler laid down their lives to prevent an infiltration bid by terrorists in north Kashmir.


These dogs deserve mention for laying down their lives to protect humans in difficult and dangerous situations. The breeds that are selected for such units are known for their intelligence, agility, and adaptability, such as Great Swiss Mountain, German Shepherd, Belgian Malinois, Labrador Retrievers, Cocker Spaniel and Labrador, which are usually picked for training. Dogs are trained from the young age of 2 years. Before the training, comprehensive health examinations are conducted to ensure the dogs are physically fit for service. In 2017, the Army also started inducting Indian breeds, specifically Mudhol Hound, into the force. In 2023 there had been 30 dog units in the forces with about 24 dogs in a single unit. There were 12 canine units in Jammu and Kashmir alone. These dogs were trained rigorously and extensively with the main training beginning at the Remount and Veterinary Corps Centre and College in Meerut, where a dog training school was established in 1960. Initially, these dogs were euthanised at the end of their service as it was believed that these dogs were not fit for home living and that their skills could fall into the wrong hands. However, today, CRPF agents have organised a systematic adoption process to ensure that these dogs are given safe and loving homes. The adopters are to provide a registration certificate from the Kennel Club of India and agree to periodic verifications from the officers. Some dogs are given to schools or NGO organisations. VOSD Dog Sanctuary is an NGO of this sort that houses and cares for retired Patriot dogs.x

On this day, Carniwel honours these dogs that have stretched the meaning of training, loyalty and compassion. At Carniwel, we believe that every animal deserves to be a part of a family, they deserve to be fed wholesome nutrition, that considers their needs for health and well-being.  However, these dogs have shown loyalty and compassion of a level that is truly unbelievable. They deserve a family where only the best would do for them! 

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